
Discography at Las Vegas Spine and Pain

Pain Management & Spine Specialist in Las Vegas, Nevada

Discography services offered in Las Vegas, NV

If you are experiencing chronic back or neck pain and other treatments have not provided relief, discography may be the solution you've been searching for. At Las Vegas Spine and Pain, our experienced team of pain specialists offer discography as a diagnostic tool to determine the cause of your pain and develop a personalized treatment plan.

What is Discography?

Discography is a diagnostic procedure that involves injecting a small amount of contrast dye into the spinal discs to create images that allow our pain specialists to see the condition of the discs and determine if they are the source of your pain.

The Benefits of Discography

Discography offers a number of benefits for those suffering from chronic back or neck pain, including:

  • Accurate identification of the source of pain
  • Development of a targeted treatment plan
  • Reduced reliance on pain medication
  • Improved function and quality of life

What to Expect During Discography

Your discography procedure will be performed using local anesthesia to ensure your comfort. During the procedure, our pain specialist will use X-ray guidance to inject a small amount of contrast dye into the spinal discs. The images created during the procedure will then be used to determine the condition of the discs and identify the source of your pain.

The results of your discography procedure will be used to develop a personalized treatment plan that may include physical therapy, medication management, interventional procedures, or surgery.

At Las Vegas Spine and Pain, we believe that accurate diagnosis is key to effective pain management. That's why we offer discography as a diagnostic tool to help our patients find the relief they deserve.

If you are experiencing chronic back or neck pain and would like to learn more about discography, please contact us today to schedule a consultation. Our team of pain specialists is here to help you find the relief you deserve.